

Rayquaza is a large, green, serpentine creature with rudder-like wings. Yellow rings run across the length of Rayquaza's body and it has an additional yellow ring on top of its head. Rayquaza has two limbs with three-clawed carpals, and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head, with two smaller horns below them. Its eyes and markings resemble those of both Groudon and Kyogre.


Anonymous said...

dude wat is the cost of gameboy advance in india -sandeep

Anonymous said...

whats up man

this is cool but u should so edit it.

game king(do u know who this is?)

Hegyaps said...

I don't care if You're a hagrid or hAAgrid or a hegyaps or a kyagrid

Bhragav Rao said...

Why am I so unpopular? Why doesnt anybody like me?

Can somebody be my friend?

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